Sunday, January 20, 2013


Today, as in many days recently, I am wondering.  I wonder why things happen the way they do.  Why does one relationship work, while one doesn't?  (That may seem to be easy to answer... but it really isn't.)  Why do some children follow their parents into a loving relationship with the Lord, and others do not??  (Again... not so easy to answer.)  Why are their so many denominations that are under the umbrella of Christian???  Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.  Well, I know that some take certain passages of the Bible to heart, while leaving others out.  I know that some have split off because of worldly rules... not God given.  For instance, if you go to church so-and-so, you CAN NOT wear make-up... or you CAN NOT wear jewelry... or you CAN NOT sing with instruments. Some say you CAN NOT drink.   Many believe that the Jewish are God's chosen people.  Some do not.  Some believe in the rapture... or catching away... others do not.   Some say if you are NOT baptised in my church (denomination), it doesn't count.  Some even say that if you are NOT baptised, then you are NOT going to heaven.  (This of course means, to them, that if you accept Christ as your Savior and are hit by a bus before you are baptised... or you accept Him on your death bed... oops... toooooo late.  You can't go to heaven.)

I wonder... if we are ALL Christians, why can't we COME TOGETHER on the things we DO AGREE on???  For instance, I think it is safe to say that we all believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God.  Don't we all believe that it was Jesus precious blood that saves us?  Don't we all, like our Father in heaven, want that none should perish?  Is this not what is important???  Our sameness, to me, should outweigh our differences.  We should all, as Christians, be able to come together to pray for each other, our nation, etc.  We should be able to join together to help those in need.

Why, then, is it so difficult???????

These things I wonder.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Our Words Have Power

I have noticed a theme recently, in preaching both in church and on television.  It is this.  Our words have power.  What we say can and will make a difference.  If we are always saying something like "My back is killing me!"  Or "I am so sick."  We are speaking negatively.  This is not of God.  Through Jesus, we have the power to overcome... PRAISE GOD!!  We must learn to control our tongue.  One reference to this is in the book of James, chapter 3.  We must overcome!  Turn your tongue, and everything you say, over to God.  Yield this unruly member to Him.  Then, you can receive even more blessings from Him.  We must say positive things!  We must accept healing in Jesus name.  We must be bright lights, so that others can see Jesus through us.  As Christians, we are called to bring others to the saving power of Jesus.  He is the ONLY way any of us will ever make it to heaven.  If someone is watching me, and all I ever say are negative things... why would they think that having Jesus live inside of them is anything special.  Pray to God.  Ask Him to help you.  Yield ALL of you to Him.  Ask Him to control what comes out of your mouth. 

Dear Lord, I thank you for all of the many blessings you have given me.  I am so very sorry for the sins I have committed and humbly ask you to forgive me.  I ask, Dear Father, that You take control of all of me, including my tongue.  Make me a light to shine for You.  Put me where You want me to be.  Help me to have love and compasion like You have.  I love You Lord, and I want to be closer to You than I ever have been before.  I want to me more like You, and less like me.  Please take control of my tongue, and keep me from saying things I should not... things that might cause someone to stumble or to not want to know You.  Thank You Lord.  Amen.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Well, I must say, this "thought" has been going around my brain for quite a while.  It started small... and just keeps getting bigger.  It is so simple that it is complicated.  I don't know if I will be able to get out what is inside of me.
It really started more than 2 years ago.  My father had been diagnosed with cancer.  At some time prior to his passing, we were talking about praying, going to church... that kind of thing.  Now, my memory may be a bit faulty here... and these are my words, not my dad's.  We got to the point we were talking about why he Tgo to church anymore.  He used to go all of the time.  In fact, once my parents divorced, it was him and my stepmother who kept me in church.  I noticed that he wasn't going... but I never felt it was the right time to ask.  So, now I had the opportunity... and I took it.  He basically said that he did not feel he had to go to church to be a Christian... that he talked to God every day and asked for forgiveness.  He felt, as I remember, that he should not have to attend an organized place that had man-made rules as a requirement for attendance.  Not really for attendance... but for a requirement to be a "member"... for a requirement to be considered saved. 
That made sense to me.  A whole lot of sense.  As my life has changed, with his passing, and my most recent divorce, it makes even more sense to me.  Why does it have to be so difficult to get together to worship the Lord?  Why are there so many "branches" to the Christianity tree?  Why can't we come together as a group to accomplish things... like assuring salvation for the lost... for starters.  Or, feeding the poor... meeting community needs.  The solution seems so simple... and yet complex.  We would have to lay down our man-made rules to come together.  Therein lies the problem.  If we lay down these rules, which make us comfortable, and may even be a good idea, but are not Bible based... what would people think???  How could someone from a church that doesn't allow dancing, or drinking, work with someone that attends a church that does not have these rules??  Could it be possible that as Christians, we can all agree that we love God, we are thankful to Him and to His Son Jesus???  Could it be possible that we all read the same God-given Word?  Could it be possible that we all believe much the same way... and yet we are so far apart??

I believe that is a result of Satan.  There is power in numbers.  Satan does not want us finding out how similar we are.  He wants us to have differences so that we do not come together.   So, by holding so tightly to these man-made differences, who are we honoring?  Is it God.....????

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

First Blog

Well, it is a new year.  Welcome 2013.  My resolution(s) for this year?  I hesitate to call it that.  I am looking forward to a closer relationship with God through his Son, Jesus.  I am so blessed to know so many who worship the Lord.  Though we may be of different backgrounds and denominations, we love the Lord and praise Him.  How Awesome! People who are so different can come together over this one simple thing.  I want to be a shining light for our Lord.  I want to keep Him front and center in my life.  As I was reading Psalm 37 last evening, it occured to me how truly simple it is to choose to serve our Lord.  And yet, so many choose to live without Him.  This is hard for me to understand.  I pray that the friends that I have, can glow with the Spirit, and shine our lights so brightly that none should want to live without Him and Lord of their life.  I pray for souls of those who are unsaved to be won to Christ.  That is, after all, what we are really here for, isn't it?  Yes, we have our jobs... be it in the home or outside of it.  We are called to reach out to those who are unsaved... to those who have never heard the Bible.  We are called to be a living example... a light for others to see... and want to know more about... Jesus.  How will accomplish this???  Good question.  I know that I have praid/am praying for help from the Lord with things like my attitude.  I don't want to miss an opportunity to show God's love to someone because I am so blind to their need.  I am studying the Word more and more... though I have not been successful at reading and/or studying everyday as I should.  I hope to memorize more scripture.  I know many stories, and some verses... but I want to be able to share what is needed.  How will I reach others?  No, I do not feel a calling to be the next Billy Graham.  I start by trying my best to keep my attitude positive, and when it is falling, to call on God for help.  I know you have heard this... but it is true.  Your smile maybe the only smile that someone sees that day... that hour... that minute... whatever is needed.  I also try to keep a spirit of thankfulness.  This isn't always easy.  There are days when things seem down-right grim.  However, I have learned, if I can find one thing... just something small to be thankful for... that thankfulness will lead to more reasons to be thankful.  I pray a lot.  I do not feel that I need to stop and clost my eyes to pray.  I try to pray as soon as I am aware of a need.  I do need to get better about keeping a prayer journal or something so that I remember all of the requests I have... and can record God's answer, when it comes, in His perfect time.

These thoughts probably seem random to you... and that's ok.  Anyone that knows me knows I can be that way sometimes.  I have never tried to "blog" before.  I am interested in the idea and hope that it will help me focus more on the important things in this life.  If someone is actually reading this... I pray that you know the Lord as your personal Savior and if you don't please contact me.  I would love to talk with you.  Will I know the perfect thing to say?   No, but I will listen to you and pray with and for you.  And, should you have a question that together we cannot find the answer to, I will research it for you.  My email address is  Thank you for reading... and may God bless you!