Sunday, January 13, 2013

Our Words Have Power

I have noticed a theme recently, in preaching both in church and on television.  It is this.  Our words have power.  What we say can and will make a difference.  If we are always saying something like "My back is killing me!"  Or "I am so sick."  We are speaking negatively.  This is not of God.  Through Jesus, we have the power to overcome... PRAISE GOD!!  We must learn to control our tongue.  One reference to this is in the book of James, chapter 3.  We must overcome!  Turn your tongue, and everything you say, over to God.  Yield this unruly member to Him.  Then, you can receive even more blessings from Him.  We must say positive things!  We must accept healing in Jesus name.  We must be bright lights, so that others can see Jesus through us.  As Christians, we are called to bring others to the saving power of Jesus.  He is the ONLY way any of us will ever make it to heaven.  If someone is watching me, and all I ever say are negative things... why would they think that having Jesus live inside of them is anything special.  Pray to God.  Ask Him to help you.  Yield ALL of you to Him.  Ask Him to control what comes out of your mouth. 

Dear Lord, I thank you for all of the many blessings you have given me.  I am so very sorry for the sins I have committed and humbly ask you to forgive me.  I ask, Dear Father, that You take control of all of me, including my tongue.  Make me a light to shine for You.  Put me where You want me to be.  Help me to have love and compasion like You have.  I love You Lord, and I want to be closer to You than I ever have been before.  I want to me more like You, and less like me.  Please take control of my tongue, and keep me from saying things I should not... things that might cause someone to stumble or to not want to know You.  Thank You Lord.  Amen.

1 comment:

  1. This is SSSOOO true! We all need to learn to praise rather than complain. Just start with small things and your praises will grow--and try to be consistant. There is ALWAYS something to be thankful for. Great post, Kathy!
