Thursday, January 3, 2013

Well, I must say, this "thought" has been going around my brain for quite a while.  It started small... and just keeps getting bigger.  It is so simple that it is complicated.  I don't know if I will be able to get out what is inside of me.
It really started more than 2 years ago.  My father had been diagnosed with cancer.  At some time prior to his passing, we were talking about praying, going to church... that kind of thing.  Now, my memory may be a bit faulty here... and these are my words, not my dad's.  We got to the point we were talking about why he Tgo to church anymore.  He used to go all of the time.  In fact, once my parents divorced, it was him and my stepmother who kept me in church.  I noticed that he wasn't going... but I never felt it was the right time to ask.  So, now I had the opportunity... and I took it.  He basically said that he did not feel he had to go to church to be a Christian... that he talked to God every day and asked for forgiveness.  He felt, as I remember, that he should not have to attend an organized place that had man-made rules as a requirement for attendance.  Not really for attendance... but for a requirement to be a "member"... for a requirement to be considered saved. 
That made sense to me.  A whole lot of sense.  As my life has changed, with his passing, and my most recent divorce, it makes even more sense to me.  Why does it have to be so difficult to get together to worship the Lord?  Why are there so many "branches" to the Christianity tree?  Why can't we come together as a group to accomplish things... like assuring salvation for the lost... for starters.  Or, feeding the poor... meeting community needs.  The solution seems so simple... and yet complex.  We would have to lay down our man-made rules to come together.  Therein lies the problem.  If we lay down these rules, which make us comfortable, and may even be a good idea, but are not Bible based... what would people think???  How could someone from a church that doesn't allow dancing, or drinking, work with someone that attends a church that does not have these rules??  Could it be possible that as Christians, we can all agree that we love God, we are thankful to Him and to His Son Jesus???  Could it be possible that we all read the same God-given Word?  Could it be possible that we all believe much the same way... and yet we are so far apart??

I believe that is a result of Satan.  There is power in numbers.  Satan does not want us finding out how similar we are.  He wants us to have differences so that we do not come together.   So, by holding so tightly to these man-made differences, who are we honoring?  Is it God.....????

1 comment:

  1. There is a verse in the Bible which says the devil is the beginning of all confusion. Yes, he wants us--the body of Christ--divided and confused; he can limit our effectiveness if he can keep us unsure about what to believe, what our role here is, what is the 'right' way to worship God. God is the uniting force, (The Hebrew word is echad, meaning one in unity) everything we do should be aimed at furthering His kingdom. You're right, Kathy, we need to examine our motives.
